Honor has announced the unveiling of its flagship smartphone of 2018, Honor 10, in Pakistan. The phone was officially launched in London on May 15, and is expected to be unveiled in Pakistan on June 8, 2018.

The pre-booking campaign is already underway. The Honor 10 is available right now on the official pre-book e-commerce partner, Telemart, as well as with top smartphone retailers nationwide.

Fans who pre-book the phone will also receive a pre-book gift box, which includes a selfie stick, a ring hook, an Honor cup and a dual-faced charging cable.

They will also receive a discount voucher of Rs2,500, and will be able to buy the Honor 10 at a reduced price of Rs53,499.


Colour-changing body

The Honor 10 comes with a vibrant aurora, multi-colour glass body, and the phone's unique design changes colours when looked at from different angles.

Artificial intelligence

The Honor 10 brings forth the concept of Artificial Intelligence in phones. The phone comes with a 24MP + 16MP dual-lens AI camera, which has been developed to broaden the horizons of mobile photography.

With the ability to recognise over 500 scenarios, the Honor 10 makes professional photography doable for all.

5.84” full view display

The large display size makes for an immersive experience for users.

Other features include:

Ultra-fast face unlock

Under-glass fingerprint sensor

3,400mAh fast charging battery

Portrait lighting, 24MP AI enabled front camera for sharp selfies
How to pre-book the Honor 10

Visit Telemart or your nearest smartphone retailer and pre-order the Honor 10 for Rs53,499. You can also pre-book online by clicking here.

For more information, follow Honor Pakistan on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.